International Focus



We have always attached strong importance to international connections and therefore made the decision to join IAPA (a global association of independent accounting firms and groups - IAPA). An international association with its headquarters in Great Britain, IAPA has a professional presence throughout the world.

Our aim has been to provide clients with a wider spectrum of business advisory services now that international trade andbusiness is growing so fast. IAPA affords this opportunity and at a local level, wherever clients may want to do business.

IAPA - a global association of independent accountancy firms.’


An image taken at an IAPA Executive Committee which was kindly hosted by Hart Shaw (UK). Our managing partner and former Chairman of IAPA , Juan Carlos Ronco Corsi was joined by Hart Shaw’s former Senior Partner, Andrew Maybery also Finance Director for IAPA, the current Chairman, Helmi Talib, Managing Partner from Helmi Talib & Co from Singapore and Susan Humphry, the UK based IAPA CEO.